New ideas
(Nick) March 2020
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC Forms Exciting New Partnership with Indiana Laborers Union
For more news scroll down!
New ideas
(Jan) April 2014
Cornerstone is recognized as one of the newest MBE in this April's newsletter. Click on the
cornerstone link below.
Latest projects (The POWER of Two).
(Mish) May 2014
Cornerstone Construction specializes in commercial and small business asphalt paving and concrete work such as parking lots, streets, and strip malls, subdivisions right down to a driveway.
Trice Construction Company (Trice), a leading commercial concrete construction firm. This new business model has been instrumental in Trice’s transformation from a historicallyresidential company into a growing force within commercial concrete construction.
We’re happy to announce that Cornerstone Construction Group and Trice Construction are coming together to create a powerful team when it comes to asphalt and concrete paving. Ultimate success is highly dependent on Cornerstone Construction Group and Trice Construction combine efforts. We appreciate the opportunity to service our community needs.
New ideas
(Jan) July 2014
Business Voice: Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC MBE in this June's newsletter.
New ideas
(Jan) August 2014
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC in 2014 NW Indiana Business Conference.
2014 NW Indiana Business Conference.
The POWER of Diversity
(Mish) August 2014
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC a certified MBE/DBE company have signed a "POWER" 5 year long term deal with NIPSCO. NIPSCO is a leader in it's class and always seeking for ways to cultivate it's supplier diversity arm. "Through our initiatives, including the establishment of an Inclusion & Diversity Council at NIPSCO, we are working to incorporate diversity in everything that we do. From strategizing ways to attract and retain top employees to partnering with the most talented suppliers and contractors, it is vital that we continue preparing ourselves for the future." -NIPSCO
Latest Project (Advancing in new Directions)
(Daphane) November 2014
Cornerstone Construction specializes in commercial and small business asphalt paving and concrete work such as parking lots, streets, and strip malls, subdivisions right down to a driveway. Here is one of Cornerstone crews working on the Restoration to the Historical 504 Broadway Gary building parking lot.
The STAR Power!
(Daphane) June 2015
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC a certified MBE/DBE company have partnered with Majestic Star in the effort to continue to create job in the City of Gary IN.
SBA Emerging Leaders USA!
(Mish) Nov. 2016
Some call it a Graduates degree for entrepreneurs. The emerging leaders program touches on a variety of areas in business from HR, Finances, Business Plans, Banking to Bonding. Our Founder, President & CEO Nick Lunn spent months going through this process to guide Cornerstone Construction while going to the next level. In the picture shows the Director Mr. Stacey Poynter of the Indianapolis District office awarding Mr. Lunn at the graduation ceremony.
"Don't Ask What Your Country Can Do For YOU!"
(Mish) Sept. 2016
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC have signed a multi-year contract with the US Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District. It is a honor to be able to offer our services to our Federal Government for the betterment of our Country.
The Power of Philanthropy!
(Daphane) July 2016
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC believes in the Power of giving. Partnering with Cry of India have allowed Cornerstone to exercise it's arm of the gift by building a school that will change generations from human trafficking to an opportunity to be educated and pursue a career for a better life.
New International Version (NIV)
Matthew 25:35-40
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
CCGroup & FAA
"Don't Ask What Your Country Can Do For YOU!"
(Mish) June. 2018
Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC is honor to be able to offer our services to our Federal Government once again for the betterment of our Country.